![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
Refer to paragraph 1-5 for general storage
information. The following procedures are
specific instructions for preparation of the
teletypewriters for limited storage.
c. Check to see if the platen is in the letters-
6-1. Disassembly of TT-4(*)/TG and TT-335/TG
shift position. If it is not, operate the letters-shift
a. Disconnect the motor power cord from the ac
c r a n k to move the platen to the letters-shift
power source.
position. Operate the platen lock lever (fig. 2-3) to
b. D i s c o n n e c t t h e p l u g o f P o w e r C a b l e
the left to lock the platen. Close the top door of
Assembly CX-1202/U (fig. 1-5) if used, from the
the dust cover.
dc power source.
d. Wind the motor power cable around the dust
c. If Cable Assemblies CX-1200/U and CX-
cover counterclockwise and clamp the connector to
1201/U (fig. 1-5) were used, pull their plugs from
t h e front of the dust cover; use the clamping
their associated jacks.
d e v i c e . Install and secure the immersionproof
d. Remove the dust cover (para 3-5a).
e. Disconnect all cable assemblies or signal lines
e. Coil the line cable and insert it into the ac-
from the terminals of the line terminal board (fig.
cessories bag (fig. 1-6).
2-6). Disconnect the protective ground from the
ground terminal.
If operation of the TT-537/G is to be
f. Remove the roll of recording paper from the
virtually continuous, with interruptions
rear of the teletypewriter.
only for short-distance moves, one roll of
g. Wind the motor power cord into a coil and tie
r e c o r d i n g paper may remain installed
the coil under the paper chute.
within the dust cover to permit more rapid
h. S e t t h e f o l l o w i n g l o c k i n g d e v i c e s i n t h e
disassembly and reassembly of the
locking position (para 2-6):
(1) Platen lock.
(2) Carriage lock.
6-3. Repackaging for Limited Storage or Shipment
(3) Keyboard lock.
(4) Blocking plate.
i. Fill the type basket portion of the type-bar
b. Insert the accessories bag of the TT-537/G in
carriage (fig. 1 - 9 ) with cloth or other suitable
the space between the teletypewriter and the case.
wadding and tie the wadding securely to the type-
Insert the cable assemblies and spare parts into
bar carriage to prevent movement of the type bars
Bag CW-356/U, secure the straps and the bag in
during shipment.
place on top of the teletypewriter. Place the
j. Replace the dust cover and immersionproof
technical manuals in a bag of moistureproof
material, i f available, and wedge the manuals
between the teletypewriter and the case.
6-2. Disassembly of TT-537/G
c. Insert the wooden blocks (fig. 1-13) to wedge
a. Disconnect the plugs of the motor power
the teletypewriter securely in the case.
cable and line cable from the mating connectors of
d. Strap the recording paper rolls to the lid of
the computer. Remove the line cable-plug from the
the case. (See note, paragraph 6-2e).
teletypewriter jack.
e. Close the lid and latch the lid securely to the
b. Open the top door of the dust cover and slide
the carriage fully to the left-hand margin position
and move the carriage lock lever (fig. 2-4) forward
to lock the carriage in position.
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