![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
5-1. General
(a ) Place the TH-5/TG on a firm support
within 3 feet of the teletypewriter.
a. Auxiliary equipment normally is not required
(b ) C o n n e c t t h e s i g n a l l i n e s f r o m t h e
for direct communication between tactical military
distant station to the binding posts on the front
separated by relatively short
panel of the TH-5/TG. Refer to TM 11-5805-25-15
distances. As the distance between teletypewriters
for installation options of the TH-5/TG. Set the
is increased, auxiliary equipment is required to
4W-2W-TEL switch on the front panel of the TH-
assure reliable interoperation of the teletypewriters.
5/RG to the proper position for the installation
switching of
b. C o n v e n i e n t
option used.
teletypewriter traffic also requires auxiliary
( c ) Connect the power "cord of the TH-
T h i s equipment c o n v e r t s t h e d c
5/TG to a source of 115-volt, 50- to 60-Hz ac.
signals transmitted from the sending teletypewriter
(2) Prepare the teletypewriter for operation
i n t o ac signals that can be switched through
telephone and radio equipment. Similar auxiliary
( 3 ) Connect the teletypewriter to the TH-
equipment is required at the distant station to
5/TG (para 2-10 and 2-12).
c o n v e r t the ac signals back into dc signals for
(4) Turn the LINE INCREASE knob (fig. 3-
operation of the receiving teletypewriter.
1) on the teletypewriter until the D.C.
c . Telegraph Terminal TH-5/TG, or equal, is
M I L L I A M P E R E S meter indicates 20 ma.
teletypewriters to meet the requirements in a and b
The current level in the teletypewriter send
circuit is determined by the circuitry of the
5-2. Purpose of Telegraph Terminal TH-5/TG
TH-5/TG and is not adjustable.
Telegraph Terminal TH-5/TG, when used with the
b. Operation. O p e r a t e t h e t e l e t y p e w r i t e r a s
AN/PGC-l, converts the dc signals, which it
described in paragraphs 3-4, 3-7, 3-8, and 3-9,
r e c e i v e s from the keyboard transmitter of the
except as follows:
sending teletypewriter into voice-frequency signals.
( 1 ) Before starting transmission from the
The voice-frequency signals are then transmitted
teletypewriter, be sure the lamp on the front panel
either directly to another TH-5/TG at the
of the TH-5/TG is lighted. This lamp is a busy
receiving station, t h r o u g h telephone switching
signal that goes out when any teletypewriter in the
e q u i p m e n t to the distant TH-5/TG, or through
circuit begins transmitting.
other carrier or radio equipment to the TH-5/TG
(2) When the teletypewriter is connected
at the distant station as shown in figure 1-3. The
through a TH-5/TG to a telephone switchboard,
TH-5/TG at the distant station converts the
signal the switchboard operator as follows:
received voice-frequency signals back to dc signals
(a ) Press and release the RING switch on
and transmits the dc signals to the page printer of
the TH-5/TG to signal the operator of a local-
t h e receiving teletypewriter. The TH-5/TG also
battery switchboard.
permits simultaneous teletypewriter and telephone
( b ) Operate the 4W-2W-TEL switch to the
transmission over a signal circuit when the TH-
2 W position ( 2 - w i r e o p e r a t i o n ) o r t o t h e 4 W
5/TG is used in conjunction with other auxiliary
position (4- wire operation) to signal the operator of a
common battery switchboard. At the completion of
5-3. Use of TH-5/TG with AN/PGC-1
operate the switch to the TEL
a. Installation.
(1) p r e p a r e t h e T H - 5 / T G f o r o p e r a t i o n a s
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