![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
2-9. Installation Options
portion of the teletypewriter. REC terminals 3 and
4 are associated with the page printer portion.
a. Installation for Half-Duplex Operation Not
BATTERY terminals 5 and 6 are used for con-
nection of dc power for the signal circuit. The
When installed for half-duplex operation, a
proper connections vary in accordance with the
teletypewriter is connected to one or more other
operational requirements of the individual station,
teletypewriters and all can send messages to and
as described in paragraphs 2-9, and 2-11 through
messages from each other (not
2-15). Before making any connections to the line
simultaneously). The transmitted messages are
terminal board, proceed as follows:
printed at all teletypewriters, including the sending
(1) Turn the LINE INCREASE knob (fig. 3-
b. Installation for Receive-Only Operation (para
(2) Set the LINE switch of the TT-4(*)/TG
and TT-335/TG (fig. 1-7) to Dc line for 60-ma
the teletypewriter can receive messages from other
signal circuit operation (operation in a dc system)
stations only. Messages cannot be sent from a
(fig. 1-3) or to VOICE FREQ LINE for 20-ma
teletypewriter installed for receive-only operation.
signal circuit operation (operation in a voice-
c. Installation for Full-Duplex Operation (para
frequency system). The LINE switch of the TT-
537/G is equipped with a lock which holds the
duplex operation, messages can be sent from the
switch in the VOICE FREQ LINE position. Do
teletypewriter but a copy of the transmitted
not change the position of this switch.
messages i s n o t p r i n t e d b y t h e s e n d i n g
(3) Check to be sure the teletypewriter is
teletypewriter. The page printer portion of the
grounded properly (para 2-7).
teletypewriter is used only to print messages
received from other transmitting stations.
Send terminal 0 is used for an unusual
d. Installation for FADAC Operation (TT-537
application of the TT-4(*)/TG which is not
/G ). When Teletypewriter TT-537/G is install-
covered in this manual. Installation for this
ed in a FADAC system (para 2-14), it receives
application is performed by higher category
messages from the computer. The keyboard-
maintenance personnel. P o w e r cable
transmitter is not normally used with this system.
Assembly CX-1202/U (fig. 1-5) is not
2-10. Signal Line and Dc Power Connections,
supplied as part of the TT-4(*)/TG. If only
the TT-4(*)/TG is furnished, and a local
a. High Level Units Connections. Terminals 0
source of dc signal circuit power is to be
used, obtain a length of two-conductor
rubber-covered cable and make a suitable
lines and a dc power cord. SEND terminals 0, 1,
substitute for the CX-1202/U.
and 2 are associated with the keyboard transmitter
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