![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
f. Keyboard Lock. If messages
are to be
transmitted from the teletypewriter,
loosen the
locknut (fig. 2-5), slide the keyboard
lock toward
the front of the teletypewriter, and
tighten the
2-7. Motor Power and Protective Ground
a. Motor Power Connection. Connect the TT-
4(*)TG motor power cord {fig. 1-10) to a source of
1 0 5 - to 125-volt dc or ac (50- to 60-Hz single-
phase) power Connect the motor power cord of the
TT-335T/TG to a source of 108- to 132-volt, 396- to
404 cps. single phase, ac power Connect the motor
1-7) of the TT-537/G to the
p o w e r cable fig.
mating connector on the computer source of 105-
to 125-volt, 396- to 404-cps. single-phase,
volt ac (50- to 60Hz, single-phase) power.
Figure 2-3. Platen lock (TT-537/G).
b. Protective Ground Connection. Connect the
braided metal pigtail on the plug of the motor
d. Carriage Lock, (TT-4(*)/TG, TT-335/TG and
power cord to a suitable ground connection point
( (1) and (2) below).
to lock the type-bar carriage in the extreme left-
(1) When installing the teletypewriter in an
hand position during transporation. To unfasten
aircraft or on a vessel, connect the pigtail to a
the carriage lock, loosen the wingnut on the left-
metal structural member of the aircraft or vessel.
hand end of the carriage rail, turn the lock until it
(2) If the teletypewriter is to be installed at a
hangs downward from the rail, and tighten the
ground communication site, connect the pigtail to
a water pipe or other similar low-resistance ground
e. Carriage Lock
(fig. 2-4). The
(5 or 6 feet ground rod). Use a length of field wire
carriage lock is used to lock the type bar carriage
or any available wire of equal or heavier gage. If a
in the extreme left-hand position during trans-
suitable ground connection point is not available,
portation. To unfasten the carriage lock, open the
u s e one or more ground rods to obtain a low-
access window and reach under the left side of
resistance ground connection point, The ground
the access opening to disengage the carriage lock.
rod (or rods) may be located as far as 1,000 yards
Push the carriage lock lever of the rear to unlock
from the teletypewriter. Select a low. damp site,
the carriage. Close the access window.
preferably a spot where the soil is clay or loamy.
Figure 2-4. Carriage lock (TT-537/G)
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