![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
chute at rear of the teletypewriter. (Not applicable
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
to TT-537/G.)
A complete Teletypewriter Set AN/PGC-1, or
h. Wipe all shipping material particles from the
AN/PGC-3, and Teletypewriters TT-4(*)/TG, TT-
teletypewriter with a clean cloth.
335/TG, TT-537/G, or TT-698(*)/TG consists of
2-3. Siting
the items listed in paragraph 1-9 and 1-10, and
Select an installation site that meets the following
received against the packing list. If a packing list
was not received, check for the presence of all
a. Shelter. The teletypewriter must be operated
applicable items listed in paragraphs 1-9, 1-10, and
in a shelter in which the temperature is kept warm
appendix B. Remove the remaining shipping
e n o u g h to permit finger operation of the
teletypewriter keys. A tent or a canvas-covered
materials and check the teletypewriter (a through b
below). If the equipment has been damaged, or if
truck is adequate, but a heated building or closed
it is incomplete, refer to paragraph 1-3.
truck is preferable as an operating site. Shelter
a. Unfasten the eight spring-loaded latches that
requirements n o r m a l l y do not present any
hold the immersionproof cover to the teletypewriter
problems when the equipment is to be operated on"
base. Press the center of the pressure-equalizing
shipboard or in aircraft.
valve (fig. 1-11 ) to equalize the internal and ex-
b. Space. Each teletypewriter operating position
ternal pressure. Lift the cover from the base.
requires a floor space area of approximately 3 feet
b . Loosen the round knurled nuts and
by 5 feet.
disconnect the dust cover ground leads from the
TT-335 TG and TT-537 G are equipped with
front comers of the dust cover (fig. 1-7).
heaters which permit operation in extreme cold.
c. Push the platen knob (fig. 1-9) inward until it
Use of the TT-537 G normally does not include
is inside the dust cover.
operation of the keyboard-transmitter, therefore
d. For the TT-4A/TG or TT-698/TG, grasp the
finger operation temperature is not required.
rear corners of the dust cover, raise the rear of the
c. Power. The TT-4(*)TG requires a source of
dust cover to free it from the rear mounting posts,
105- to 125-volt dc or ac (50- or 60-Hz single-
and lift it straight upward. Release the motor
phase) for the teletypewriter motor. The TT-335
power cable connector from the dust cover of the
TG and TT-537 G require 105- to 125-volt, 396- to
TT-537/G (fig. 1-8). For all models, except the TT-
404-cps, single-phase alternating current for the
4A/TG or TT-698/TG, turn the cam-lock assembly
teletypewriter motor and for the amplifier circuits
on each side of the dust cover and lift the cover
of the TT-537 G. The TT-537 G may also be
straight upward.
operated from a 396- to 404-cps, three-phase. Y-
e. Pivot the front access door upward and
connected generator with the motor and electronics
remove the tuning fork from the brackets on the
powered from one phase and the heaters from the
inner side of the door. Remove the protective
second phase, if the phase-to-neutral voltage is
wrapping from the tuning fork, examine the fork
between 105 to 125 volts. The TT-537 G will
for damage, and replace it in its brackets.
operate on a nominal signal line voltage range of 6
(1) volts and 120.130 volts dc. The TT-
f. Remove the wooden blocks that have been
used to prevent damage to the equipment during
698(*)/TG requires a source of 105 to 125 volts ac
shipment. Check carefully to be sure that all
(50- or 60- Hz, single-phase) for the teletypewriter
blocks are removed.
motor and electronic modules.
g. Remove the tape from the following places:
d. Lighting. A d e q u a t e lighting must be
(1) Signal-bell clapper at rear right-hand
available for both day and night operation.
corner of teletypewriter.
e. Ground Connection. A suitable ground
(2) LTRS key lever and space bar on
connection point must be available to provide
adequate protective grounding, as described in
(3) Type basket above control panel.
(4) Motor power cord beneath paper-feed
Section II
2-4. Tools, Test Equipment, and Materials
a. Tool Equipment TE-50-B.
b. Multimeter TS-352/U, or equivalent.
The following tools, test equipments, and materials
c. Oil, lubricating, general purpose, NSN 9150-
are required for installation of the teletypewriter
set, but are not furnished as part of the set.
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