![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
you don't like about your equipment. Let us
used by Army activities will have preventive main
know why you don't like the design. Put it on
tenance performed in accordance with the PMC
an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to
charts before storing. When removing the equip-
Commander, US Army Communications-Electron-
ment from administrative storage the PMCS should
ics Command and Fort Monmouth, ATTN:
be performed to assure operational readiness. Dis-
DRSEL-ME-MP, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
assembly and repacking of equipment for shipment
or limited storage are covered in chapter 6.
07703. We'll send you a reply.
b. Air Force. Air Force personnel are encour-
1 - 6 . Destruction of Army Electronics Materiel
a g e d to submit EIR's in accordance with AFR
Destruction of Army electronics materiel to pre-
vent enemy use shall be in accordance with TM
15. Administrative Storage
Administrative Storage of equipment issued to and
1-7. Purpose and Use
The voice-frequency signals are transmitted to a dis-
tant telegraph terminal either through telephone
a. Purpose. Teletypewriter Sets AN/PGC1 and
switching equipment or over a direct circuit inter-
AN/PGC-3, Teletypewriters TT4(*)/TG,
connecting the two telegraph terminals. The distant
TT-335/TG, TT-698(*)/TG, and TT-722(*)/TG are
telegraph terminal converts the voice-frequency
used to transmit teletypewriter messages in the form
signals to dc signals and transmits the dc signals to
of direct-current (de) teletypewriter signals and to
the receiving teletypewriter.
convert received dc signals into messages printed on a
(3) Carrier system. In a typical carrier system,
roll of recording paper. Teletypewriter TT537/G is
the sending teletypewriter transmits dc signals to a
u s e d primarily to receive low-voltage Baudot
telegraph terminal which converts the dc signals to
teletypewriter signals from a field artillery gun direc-
voice-frequency signals and transmits them to a
tion computer (FADAC) and to record the received
carrier terminal. The carrier terminal converts the
messages on 8-inch-wide recording paper.
voice-frequency signals to carrier signals and
b. Use (fig. 3). The AN/PGC-1, AN/PGC-3,
transmits the carrier signals to a distant carrier ter-
TT4(*), TT335/TG, TT-698(*)/TG, and
minal. The distant carrier terminal converts the
TT-722(*)/TG are used in tactical military com-
received carrier signals to voice-frequency signals
munication systems. Teletypewriters TT-698(*)/TG
and transmits them to a telegraph terminal where the
are Teletypewriters TT4B(*)/TG converted to low
voice-frequency signals are converted to dc signals
level signaling operation, Except for the
and transmitted to the receiving teletypewriter.
TT-698(*)/TG's ability to detect and process a much
lower level signal, all other existing operational
(4) Radio-teletypewriter system. In a typical
radio-teletypewriter system, signal transmission is
features of the basic teletypewriter TT-4(*)/TG are
unchanged. Teletypewriters
the same as in a carrier system ( (3) above), except
that transmission between carrier terminals is ac-
modified to include automatic carriage-return and
complished over a two-way radio circuit instead of a
line-feed mechanisms, and special mounting plates to
carrier circuit.
(5) FADAC system. In a typical FADAC system,
permit use of the teletypewriters in mobile
low-voltage signals from the computer are applied to
assemblages. Typical applications are:
the receive circuits of Teletypewriter TT-537/G,
(1) Dc system. In a typical dc system, the sending
where they are amplified to the level required to
teletypewriter transmits dc signals to the receiving
operate the selector magnet in the teletypewriter
teletypewriter over a dc circuit that interconnects the
receive mechanism. The keyboard transmission
two teletypewriters.
capability is not used in this application.
(2) Voice-frequency system. In a typical voice-
f r e q u e n c y system, t h e sending teletypewriter
(6) Low level signaling system. In a typical low
level signaling system line signal current is reduced
transmits dc signals to a telegraph terminal which
converts the dc signals to voice-frequency signals.
to 100 microampere or less.
change 2
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