![]() TM 11-7025-233-23
Entering power passes through a line filter and the power switch, then goes
directly to the power supply circuit board containing all the other power supply
components. The power supply provides all voltages required by the teleprinter and
a power-ready signal for fault detection circuitry (fig. 2-2). All power supply
outputs go to the logic circuit board for control and for distribution to the
teleprinter components.
Power Supply
Figure 2-2.
The switching power supply is a universal type that can be configured with jumper
J2 for either nominal 117 V ac 60 Hz or 200 - 240 V ac 50 Hz international voltages
(para 4-61). Jumper J1, when cut or removed, must be replaced by a fuse in the F1
fuse clip. A fuse is installed in the F1 fuse clip in those locations where the
three-wire power source is terminated in a non-polarized outlet into which the
printer power cord is to be connected.
Jumper J2 is connected to the P4 plug on the board for nominal 117 V ac power and
is connected to P5 plug on the board for 200 - 240 V ac power sources.
Line voltage is present at the line filter input
and output leads when the ac power switch is set
to OFF, and the teleprinter is still connected to
the ac line voltage source. Avoid contact.
When measuring voltage levels on the power board,
connect the common lead of the measuring device
to the Z bus on the board (fig D-1). Failure to
use this bus as the common will result in
improper reading of voltage levels on the board.
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