![]() TM
operate the LIGHT-HEATER switch to the LlGHT-
properly centered on the platen and that the paper
HEATER position to maintain the required
supply is not running low.
temperatures of operating parts.
As the end of the paper nears, a red stripe
appears down the center of the paper. This
Teletypewriters TT-537/G, without keyboard,
stripe is a warning that a new roll of paper must
do not include a BREAK switch. On these units,
be installed.
the motor is controlled by the MOTOR switch
(3) Examine the inking ribbon to be sure it is not
twisted in the ribbon guide and that the ribbon is be-
38. Operating Procedure
ing unwound from one spool onto the other spool.
a. Transmitting Messages (Not Applicable to TT-
537/G). Message transmission is possible only when
the teletypewriter is installed for either half-duplex
To prevent accidental transmission during
or full-duplex operation. To transmit, operate the
reception of a message, loosen the locknut (fig.
keys of the keyboard (fig. 25) in .a way similar to
25), push the keyboard lock to the rear, and
that used when typing with an ordinary typewriter
tighten the locknut. To permit later transmis-
except as follows:
sion, move the keyboard lock to the forward
(1) Press the CAR. RET. key to return the type-
bar carriage to the left-hand margin.
(2) Press the LINE FEED key to move the record-
3 9. Stopping Procedure
ing paper upward for the printing of a new line.
To stop the teletypewriter, use the applicable pro-
(3) Press the FIGS key to move the platen to the
figures-shift position.
cedure described below.
(4) Press the LTRS key to move the platen to the
a. Standby Condition (Not Applicable to TT537/G
letters-shift position.
and TT698(*)/TG). To place all interconnected
(5) Press the FIGS key and then the BELL key to
teletypewriters equipped with the motor-stop feature
signal the distant operator.
in the standby condition, press the FIGS key and then
(6) Hold down the space bar to cause the type-bar
the STOP key (upper-case H). This action will cause
carriage to move from left to right without printing,
the motors of all teletypewriters to stop. An operator
Release the space bar when the carriage has reached
at any of the teletypewriters can start all the motors
to the point at which printing is to begin.
by pressing and releasing the BREAK key. This
b. Receiving Messages. Incoming messages are
f e a t u r e permits an operator to start all tele-
received and printed automatically by the page
typewriters, transmit his message, and stop all
printer. Ocassionally, during reception, make the
following checks:
b. Complete Shut Down. To close a teletypewriter
(1) Check the printed copy to be sure that the
to traffic, move the MOTOR switch as shown in figure
page printer is operating properly.
19 and LIGHT (or LIGHT-HEATER) switch as
(2) Check the recording paper to be sure that it is
shown in B, figure 31 to OFF.
Change 1 3-7/(3-8 blank)
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