![]() TM 11-5815-206-12/ TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
until the page printer begins to print errors. Note
(circuit that is connected to terminals 3
the dial position at that point.
and 4). The value of current in the send
(3) Turn the ARMATURE dial clockwise
c i r c u i t (circuit that is connected to ter-
S lowly until the page printer resumes printing
minals 1 and 2) must be adjusted by the
correctly. Continue turning the dial clockwise until
operator at the distant end of that circuit.
the page printer again begins to print errors. Note
d. Receive-Only Operation (A, fig. 2-8). Turn
the dial position at that point.
the LINE INCREASE knob clockwise slowly until
(4) Set and lock the ARMATURE dial
the pointer indicates 60 ma on the meter scale.
m i d w a y between the two readings ((2) and (3)
2-18. Line Current Adjustment (TT-537/G)
After the signal line connections are made and the
b. RANGE Dial Preliminary Adjustment.
c o m p u t e r is energized to provide a continuous
marking condition on the line, adjust the LINE
Never change the position of the RANGE
dial while the page printer is idle.
MILLIAMPERES meter indicates 20 ma.
(1) Loosen the RANGE dial lock and turn the
2-19. Line Current Adjustment (TT-698(*)/TG)
R A N G E dial counterclockwise slowly until the
page printer begins to print errors. Note the dial
position at that point.
established by the input circuit resistance of the
(2) Turn the RANGE dial clockwise slowly
receiver module. The line current is approximately
until the page printer resumes printing correctly.
100 micro-amperes. The LINE INCREASE control
Continue turning the dial clockwise until it again
is used on TT-698(*)/TG, low level units to adjust
begins to print errors. Note the dial position.
the selector magnet current to an optimum value.
( 3 ) Set and lock the RANGE dial midway
W i t h either a continuous mark test signal or
between the two readings (1) and (2) above.
A1TB1, terminals 1 and 2 jumpered to terminals 4
c. A R M A T U R E D i a l F i n a l A d j u s t m e n t . T h i s
and 5 and the keyboard stopped, adjust the LINE
adjustment is identical with the ARMATURE dial
INCREASE potentiometer until the DC
preliminary adjustment (a above) except that it is
MILLIAMPERES meter indicates exactly 20mA.
p e r f o r m e d after t h e R A N G E d i a l p r e l i m i n a r y
2-20. ARMATURE and RANGE Dials Adjust-
adjustment (b above) and that step in a(1) above is
d . RANGE Dial Final Adjustment. T h i s a d -
justment i s i d e n t i c a l w i t h t h e R A N G E d i a l
Be sure the line current is of the proper
preliminary adjustment (b above) except that it is
value (para 2-17) before this adjustment is
p e r f o r m e d after the ARMATURE dial final a d -
made. On the TT-698(*)/TG, insure the
selector magnet current is set at the op-
2-21. Installation Final Test
timum value (para 2-19).
After installation, perform a complete operational
The ARMATURE and RANGE dials, as shown in
test of the teletypewriter before beginning the
transmission of official traffic.
portion of the teletypewriter. Continuous reception
a. Make the checks listed in the equipment
of test signals (usually alternate R and Y signals,
performance check list, as described in paragraph
transmitted from the distant station) is necessary
for adjustment of these dials. Arrange to have
b. Have the distant operator transmit a test
these signals transmitted from the distant station
message and observe the typewritten copy. The
and adjust the dials as described in a through d
c o n v e n t i o n a l test message is as follows: "THE
a. ARMATURE Dial Preliminary Adjustment.
LAZY DOG's BACK 123456789 -$!"( )"/-.;?,.".
(1) L o o s e n t h e R A N G E d i a l l o c k , s e t t h e
c. Transmit the same test message to the
RANGE dial at 65, and tighten the dial lock.
d i s t a n t station for a performance test of the
( 2 ) Loosen the ARMATURE dial lock and
equipment at the distant station.
turn the ARMATURE dial counterclockwise slowly
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