TM 11-5805-387-10-2
Use the preferred method to tune the signal.
If the scope is not working, the preferred method cannot be used
to tune the signal. Use the alternate method (para 2-10b.)
Tune the receiver-transmitter until you get a correct trace pattern on
the scope.
When the modem is warmed up, 5 minutes will
be necessary for the BFO to stabilize. If the modem
is cold, 15 minutes will be necessary for BFO to
become stable. Make necessary adjustments during
these time periods to maintain the best signal recep-
tion display on the scope.
. In 850-Hz mode only, use the modem BFO control to aid fine tuning,
until you get a correct trace pattern. In all other modes, tune with
FREQ VERNIER control on receiver-transmitter.
Adjust SCOPE INTENSITY control to the MINIMUM
level necessary for adequate display to avoid damage
to the face of the cathode ray tube (CRT).
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