![]() TM 11-5815-334-34P
TM 11-5815-238-35, Teletypewriter Sets AN/GGC-
Meter ME-165/G
3 and AN/GGC-3A, AN/GGC-53 and AN/GGC-
c. Detailed manufacturing instructions for items,
53A and Teletypewriter Reperforator-Transmitters
source coded to be manufactured or fabricated a
T T - 7 6 / G G C , TT-76A/GGC, TT-76B/GGC,
found in TM 11-5815-334-35.
TT-76C/GGC, TT-699/GGC, TT-699A/GGC,
d. Detailed assembly instuctions for items source
TT-699B/GGC, and TT-699C/GGC
coded to be assembled are found in TM 11-
TM 11-5815-334-12, Radio Teletypewriter Sets
5815-334-35. Assembly components are listed im-
AN/GRC-142, AN/GRC-142A, AN/GRC-142B,
mediately following the item to be assembled.
AN/GRC-122, AN/GRC-122A and AN/GRC-
e. Action change codes indicated in the left
hand margin of the listing denote the following:
Radio Teletypewriter Sets
N--Indicates an added item.
AN/GRC-122, AN/GRC-122A, AN/GRC-122B,
C--Indicates a change in data.
AN/GRC-142, AN/GRC-142A, and AN/GRC-
R--Indicates a change in NSN only.
f. National stock numbers (NSN's) that are mis-
TM 11-5815-334-35, Radio Teletypewriter Sets
sing from P source coded items have been ap-
AN/GRC-142, AN/GRC-142A, AN/GRC-142B,
plied for and will be added to this TM by future
AN/GRC-122, AN/GRC-122A and AN/GRC-122B
change/revision when they are entered in the Army
TM 11-5815-338-15, Device, Low Level Signaling
Master Data File (AMDF). Until the NSN's are
TT-523/GGC and TT-523A/GGC
established and published, submit exception re-
TM 11-5815-338-40P, Device, Low Level Signaling
questions to: Commander, US Army Electronics
Command, ATTN: DRSEL-MM, Fort Monmouth, NJ
TM 11-5815-602-12, Terminal, Communications
07703 for the part required to support your
TM 11-5815-602-20P, Terminal, Communications
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
a. When National stock number or part number
TM 11-5815-602-34, Terminal, Communications
is unknown.
(1) First. Using the table of contents, deter-
TM 11-5815-602-34P, Terminal, Communications
mine the functional group within which the item
belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
TM 11-5820-467-15, Antenna Group AN/GRA-50
prepared for functional groups and listings are
TM 11-5820-467-24P, Antenna Group AN/GRA-50
divided into the same groups.
TM 11-5820-489-20P, Control Group AN/GRA-6
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
TM 11-5820-489-34P, Control Group AN/GRA-6
functional group to which the item belongs.
TM 11-5820-520-12, Radio Sets AN/GRC-106
(3) Third. Identify the item on the illustration
and AN/GRC-106A
and note the illustration figure and item number of
TM 11-5820-520-20P-1, Radio Set AN/GRC-106
the item.
TM 1l-5820-520-20P-2, Radio Set AN/GRC-106A
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
TM 11-5820-520-34, Radio Sets AN/GRC-106 and
find the figure and item number noted on the
TM 11-5820-520-34P-1, Radio Set AN/GRC-106
b. When National stock number or part number
TM 11-5820-520-34P-2, Radio Set AN/GRC-106A
is known.
TM 11-5820-765-12, Power Supplies PP-4763/GRC
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock
and PP-4763A/GRC
Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent
TM 11-5820-765-34P-1, P o w e r Supplies PP-
National stock number or part number. This index
4763/GRC and PP-4763A/GRC
is in NIIN sequence followed by a list of part
TM 11-5820-765-35, Power Supplies PP-4763/GRC
numbers in alphameric sequence, cross-referenced
and PP-4763A/GRC
to the illustration figure number and item number.
TM 11-5965-222-14P, Dynamic Loudspeaker LS-
(2) Second. After finding the figure and item
number, locate the figure and item number in the
TM 11-6125-252-15, Motor-Generator PU-724/G
repair parts list.
TM 11-6125-252-24P, Motor-Generator PU-724/G
TM 11-6625-333-15, Standing-Wave-Ratio Power
6. Abbreviations
Meter ME-165/G
Not applicable.
TM 11-6625-333-24P, Standing-Wave-Ratio Power
(Next printed page is 4.1.)
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