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TM 11-5815-238-34P
(a) Use (third position). The maintenance code
entered in the third position indicates the lowest main-
O--Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
tenance level authorized to remove, replace, and use
condemn and dispose at organizational level.
the support item. The maintenance code entered in the
F--Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
third position indicates one of the following levels of
condemn and dispose at the direct support level.
H--Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
condemn and dispose at the general support level.
D--Repairable item. When beyond lower level repair
O--Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
capability, return to depot. Condemnation and dis-
organizational level of maintenance.
posal, not authorized below depot level.
L--Repairable item. Repair, condemnation, and dis-
A code "C" may be used in this position to
denote crew or operator maintenance per-
posal not authorized below depot/Specialized
formed within organizational maintenance.
Repair Activity level.
A--Item requires special handling or condemnation
F--Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
procedures because of specific reasons (i.e., precious
direct support maintenance level.
metal content, high dollar value, critical material
H--Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
or hazardous material).
general support maintenance.
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Federal
D--Support items that are removed, replaced, used at
stock number assigned to the item.
depot only.
(b) Repair (fourth position). The maintenance
For requisitioning purposes, the Federal
code entered in the fourth position indicates whether
stock number must be converted to the Na-
the item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest
tional stock number by adding "-00-" after
maintenance level with the capability to perform com-
the Federal stock classification (FSC) code
plete repair (i.e., all authorized maintenance func-
(first four digits). For example, FSN
tions). When a maintenance code is not used a dash (-)
6625-553-0142 converts to NSN 6625-00-553-
sign is entered. For multiservice equipment/systems or
when a code is entered, this position will contain one of
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item name and
the following maintenance codes as assigned by the
a minimum description required to identify the item.
service(s) that require the code-
The last line indicates the reference number followed
by the applicable Federal Supply Code for Manufac-
O--The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
turer (FSCM) in parentheses. The FSCM is used as an
repair of the support item is the organizational
element in item identification to designate manufac-
turer or distributor or Government agency, etc., and is
F--The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
identified in SB 708-42.
repair of the support item is direct support.
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard or
H--The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
basic quantity by which the listed item is used in per-
repair of the support item is general support.
forming the actual maintenance function. This
D--The lowest maintenance level capable of complete
measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical
repair of the support item is the depot level.
abbreviation; e.g., ea, in, pr, etc., and is the basis used
L--Repair restricted to designated Specialized Repair
to indicate quantities and allowances in subsequent
columns. When the unit of measure differs from the
Z--Non-repairable. No repair is authorized.
unit of issue, the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy
B--No repair is authorized. The item may be recondi-
the required units of measure will be requisitioned.
tioned by adjusting, lubricating, etc., at the user
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column indi-
level. No parts or special tools are procured for the
cates the quantity of the item used in the equipment.
maintenance of this item.
Subsequent appearances of the same item in the same
(3) Recoverability code. Recoverability codes are
assembly are indicated by the letters "REF."
assigned to support items to indicate the disposition ac-
f. 30-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances.
tion on unserviceable items. The recoverability code is
entered in the fifth position of the uniform SMR Code
Allowances in GS column are for GS main-
Format as follows-
tenance only.
Z--Nonrepairable item. When unserviceable, condemn
(1) The repair parts indicated by asterisk entries in
and dispose at the level indicated in the first digit
separate allowance columns for DS and GS represent
of the maintenance code.
those authorized for use at that category of mainte-
Change 1

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