![]() TM 11-5815-206-12 / TO 31W4-2PGC1-61
C-4. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements
the listed maintenance function vary at different
(Table 1)
maintenance categories, appropriate ``worktime"
f i g u r e s will be shown for each category. The
a. Tool or Test Equipment Reference Code. T h e
number of man-hours specified by the "worktime"
numbers in this column coincide with the numbers
f i g u r e represents the average time required to
used in the tools and equipment column of the
r e s t o r e an item (assembly, subassembly, com-
MAC. The numbers indicate the applicable tool or
p o n e n t , module, end item or system) to a ser-
test equipment for the maintenance functions.
b. Maintenance Category. The code in this
v i c e a b l e condition under typical field operating
conditions. This time includes preparation time,
column indicate the maintenance category allocated
troubleshooting time and quality assurance/quality
the tool or test equipment.
control time in additional to the time required to
c. N o m e n c l a t u r e . This column lists the noun
perform the specific tasks identified for the
n a m e and nomenclature of the tools and test
m a i n t e n a n c e functions authorized in the main-
equipment required to perform the maintenance
tenance allocation chart. Subcolumns of column 4
are as follows:
d. National/NATO Stock Number. This column
C Operator/Crew
l i s t s the National/NATO stock number of the
O Organizational
specific tool or test equipment.
F Direct Support
e. T o o l N u m b e r . T h i s c o l u m n l i s t s t h e
H General Support
manufacturer's part number of the tool followed by
L Depot
the Federal Supply Code for manufacturers (5-
e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment. Column 5
digit) in parentheses.
s p e c i f i e s by code, t h o s e common tool sets (not
individual tools) and special tools, test, and
support equipment required to perform the
designated function.
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